Exploring digital marketing platforms

Exploring digital marketing platforms

Basic financial literacy and skills in digital media can support a small business to grow. Understanding where their business is and what they need to do to grow it, is key for any business. The knowledge of a digital platform will increase the readiness of current and future potential partners of Made by Her and also support them in accessing other e-commerce platforms or starting their own digital marketing.

Chrysalis organised an online training session on digital media to benefit potential e-commerce businesses and those already using e-commerce, who sought to optimise their online presence and engagement. The session focused on the fundamental elements of e-commerce performance infrastructure. Platforms such as Google My Business, WhatsApp My Business, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms were discussed. – Participants received a basic introduction to these platforms and learned how to link them to one or two landing pages to facilitate seamless social interaction. The training extensively covered content performance. Participants gained insights into optimising content, including how to add details, where to place links, and what to include in their posts.  Practical advice was provided on product photography and crafting effective product descriptions. Additionally, participants were introduced to newly available tools such as Chat GPT and video editing software.