Beed Necklace


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Beed Necklace

Meterial: Bathik Cloth/ Wood beeds

Available Colour: Green & Red

length: 24″


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Harshi Batik - Gampola

After starting her crafting journey in 2016, through her school Advanced Level project on paper quilling, Harshani decided to invest herself in making this her career. She joined the National Vocational Training Center for crafting while continuing to learn paper quilling from Youtube. At vocational training, she learned about Batik and decided to focus on improving her Batik skills. Using the opportunity she was given by winning the Presidents Prize for paper quilling, she went to Indonesia and was immersed in the Batik techniques she was trained on. After returning to Sri Lanka, she decided to diversify her product line by including Batik products.

In 2018 she launched ‘Harshi Batik’ a business that employs 4 other women and is well established online. Harshani has also visited India for trade exhibitions and exposure.